Did Selena Gomez Just Announce Her New Album?

by • Jul 21, 2015 • Female Celebs, Music, Selena GomezComments (2)14533

It’s been one month since Selena Gomez released her new single “Good For You” and it looks like she is getting ready to drop her new album this fall. Selenators rejoice!

About an hour ago (July 21), Selena posted this Instagram video, in which she can be seen writing the words “Revival 10.9”. And just a day before her birthday too, the “Bang Bang Bang” singer is just always thinking of her fans.

In an interview about the album earlier last month, Selena said:

“For this record I wanted to find my sweet spot, if you will. I know that maybe vocally I wouldn’t be the greatest singer in the world, but I know my strengths now. I know that I can translate emotion and heart, and I’ve written more than I’ve ever written on any album for this record. I have a lot to prove, but I think, for instance, this song is totally in my register. It’s smoky and fun and sexy.”

It sounds like Selena’s got one amazing opus coming our way. We’ve seen growth both in terms of maturity and sound with each album, we have no doubt this will be one of her best yet.


R e v i v a l. 10.9

A video posted by Selena Gomez (@selenagomez) on


She also shared the video on Twitter


New album called Revival on October 9th? I mean technically she could be releasing a single, but it’s not very likely that she would announce a single song two and a half months in advance. And why would “Good For You” be playing in the background? Sounds like something bigger than just one track.

And now we wait. Wake me up when September ends.


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2 Responses to Did Selena Gomez Just Announce Her New Album?

  1. Dolorex says:

    Thanks You Good Blog

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