SELFIE ALERT: Zayn Malik Has Made His Instagram Account Public

by • Jul 16, 2014 • Best of Instagram, Group Artists, Male Celebs, News, One Direction, Pop Culture, Zayn MalikComments (3)25392

Sit down, hold on to your US Magazine One Direction special edition, and brace yourself for the most important news of the day week  month: Zayn Malik has changed his Instagram account (@niazkilam) privacy settings from private to public! In just the time it took to write this sentence, he has gained  2,120 followers, bringing him up to a running count of 422,043.  His follower count will surely surpass 1 million before the week’s end.

By now your head is probably spinning — you’re panicked, and you are not even sure VAS HAPPENIN!  Shhh… calm down, take deep breaths, and play “Little Things” on your iTunes.  Zayn has only posted 43 images to his account so far, so there’s no need to feel overwhelmed. You will be caught up before you can say “ZAP!”

Let’s just sit back, relax, and look at some of the AMAZAYN selfies he has posted:



Thank you for your time, have a great night, and sleep a little better knowing that you finally have access to Zayn’s Instagram account.

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Images: Instagram

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3 Responses to SELFIE ALERT: Zayn Malik Has Made His Instagram Account Public

  1. BeeXxX says:

    JFC he’s beautiful….

  2. Alexio says:

    Goddamn, this kid. He needs to consider print modelling.

  3. binance says:

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