“Pretty Girls”: Britney and Iggy’s Out Of This World Adventure

by • May 14, 2015 • Britney Spears, Entertainment, Female Celebs, Gifs, Music, Music Video, Pop Culture, Reviews, VideoComments (3)24764

What do you do when you’ve been a certified pop superstar in three different decades? Take it back to the 80’s and cement your legacy even further. Taylor Swift better watch out, because Britney Spears is throwing it back with gal pal Itchy Areola Iggy Azalea and is ready to kick ass with a ridiculously fun tribute to the 1988 cult classic Earth Girls Are Easy.

If you missed our review on “Pretty Girls” last week, here’s your chance to get with the program with this Cameron Duddy-directed video.




The video begins with Brit looking absolutely fab by the pool minding her own business as Iggy Azalien blasts from out of nowhere, finding herself in a strange land that she does not belong in — very much a metaphor for her place in the music industry.




Being the kind, charitable goddess she is, Britney whisks away the creature to her boudoir and gives it a much needed style makeover. And it’s a success! Kind of. Well, we can only do so much. At least Britney looks amazing! Crimped hair and leopard print for the gods, serving abs for days, weeks, months, and years.





Britney, ever the master of a quick wig change, takes Izzy down through the LA Valley to assimilate her into American culture. While making a quick stop at a car wash, the queen demonstrates to Igloo just exactly how one shakes an ass in a visually pleasing way — a skill the rapper-in-training has yet to pick up. In frustration, the alien decides to ruin an ATM machine, waste probably thousands of dollars, and cut short one of the most energetic, fun dance breaks that the queen has had in a while (but catch an extra few seconds of the scene in an Entertainment Tonight behind-the-scenes peek here!)




And of course she can’t even make Britney’s phone into an iPhone, settling for an Android instead. Figures.




Now, what kind of Earth tour would it be if we didn’t hit up the club? After a short breather while an Eve song plays, Britney’s burning it up on the floor again. Many fans were disappointed at the short track length of “Pretty Girls,” so it’s a pleasant surprise to find another fierce dance scene with an extended break.




All in all, it was a great day for both of them. It’s always amazing to see Britney helping out younger, struggling artists in the industry, and now it’s time for the space oddity to return back to her home planet of Australia, I think. She has an accent.




“Pretty Girls” was released on May 4th (iTunes)
Gifs: Poison Paradise

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