Katy Perry’s ‘This Is How We Do’: Pop Cultural Appropriation

by • Aug 1, 2014 • Entertainment, Female Celebs, Gifs, Katy Perry, Music, Music Video, Pop Culture, ReviewsComments (1)23657


The music video for “This Is How We Do,” the fifth single off of Katy Perry‘s Prism, just dropped today. Like the lyric video, the result is kind of a mess, but it’s a very fun, adorable, hot mess. Luckily for her, there’s not a lot of places to point cultural appropriation this time around, although true to Katy fashion, she does have her dancers shamelessly rip off Pee-wee Herman‘s iconic style. Dammit Katy, when will the copying ever end?



The song is one of the better cuts off of Prism, and the video is nothing but pop culture references galore, including twerking ice cream, because she’s very cool and quirky like that. As well as cameos (not actually) from living legends Aretha Franklin and Mariah Carey, a loving homage to the iconic singers that she’ll never be as talented as.




Other highlights of the Joel Kefali-directed (Lorde‘s “Royals” and “Tennis Court”) video include style inspiration from rapper Brooke Candy (oops?)


and plenty of animated fruit and desserts, an obvious tribute to the visual themes from her past albums — maybe an offering so that the success of the singles from her last era can rub off on this one?



Watch the video for “This Is How We Do” above and let us know what you think in the comments below, even though Katy doesn’t really give a shit: she’s not thirsty or desperate for her fan’s support.


Prism was released on October 13, 2013 (iTunes)
Gifs: Brandon Joseph / Poison Paradise

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One Response to Katy Perry’s ‘This Is How We Do’: Pop Cultural Appropriation

  1. Putu says:

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